Conor McGregor is helping two young MMA fighters reach their goals.
Conor McGregor might be known as a loudmouth, trash-talking, former UFC champion, but under his rough exterior is a man who does quite a lot to help out others. McGregor has given to many charities over the years and now he is personally making sure that two MMA fighting brothers are able to get to the IMMAF Youth World Championships in Abu Dhabi.
Adam and Dylan Duffy of Ireland are two young MMA fighters who recently earned places on the Irish Youth MMA team. They will have the opportunity to fight for their country in Adu Dhabi at the World Championships.
The trip is expensive, and the twins were raising money to fund the trip and expenses. They were hoping to raise €6,000 but to their surprise, McGregor reached out and surpassed their expectations.
“I was at training when I found out and my coach told me about it so calmly. I was going insane! I thought he was joking until he showed me the comments. I feel like I have to win now because he donated all that money,” Adam Duffy told the
Although the twins surpassed their goal with the help of McGregor and his €10,000 donation, they didn’t stop there. They continued to raise money to help past costs to their coach Richie Ivory to buy equipment for his gym.
“We might not have been able to go without his help. There are so many gyms out there and he donated to us, which is insane,” he said.
In 2021 McGregor gave money to sponsor the entire Elite Irish Cadet MMA, the Irish IMMAF team in which his head coach John Kavanagh is the president.
What do you think of this generous donation made by Conor McGregor?