Midnight Mania! Penne, Rawlings Selling Premium Pics Online

Welcome to Midnight Mania!

As we’ve discussed so frequently, fighters are frequently looking to make an extra buck. There are many paths to doing so: CBD sponsorships, t-shirt sales, and seminars are among the most common. An increasingly common path to income has been services like Patreon, which allow fans to pay a monthly fee for extra content from their favorite creators (or fighters).

Enter professional fighters and team mates Jessica Penne and Bec Rawlings, who have created subscription accounts on OnlyFans.com. What’s that? Per their website, it is “a social media website and application service that allows users to upload photos and videos to their profile, setting a monthly subscription price and therefore earning money from any paying subscribers.”

More to the point: it’s frequently porn. In this case, it seems more like racy pictures rather than actual pornography — per Rawling’s comments on her Instagram post — but someone other than me will have to fork over some cash to find out for sure.

On the whole, though Rawlings has been doing well lately in the world of bare knuckle boxing, she has been monetizing her fighting fame through modeling/Instagram for quite some time. Penne, meanwhile, does not have that reputation. However, she is engaged in a costly legal battle with USADA that could effectively end her professional career, so it’s not hard to see why she’s on the hunt for cash.


Another day, another fight poster.

The amount of effort put in vs. lack of visual results here has to be at least a touch annoying.

Team Alpha Male anecdote of the week: Martin Kampmann is a really nice guy, but in his year as head coach, he nearly decapitated several people while demonstrating head kicks.

I didn’t know we needed this “Platinum” content, but clearly, we do.

I also don’t know if this is the correct way to do this workout, yet I’m still impressed by Weili Zhang as usual.

Rest in peace.

I would genuinely love to see Curtis Blaydes training some Sumo wrestling.

Slips, rips, and KO clips

Speaking of … SUMO!

This hard sparring session certainly fulfills the night’s quota for slips and rips.

When in doubt, dive on the arm!

Random Land

This made me laugh.

Midnight Music: Given tonight’s subject matter, this song seemed hilariously appropriate (and coincidentally, I had listened to it earlier tonight on my plane ride!)

Sleep well Maniacs! More martial arts madness is always on the way.

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